
Feeling good about who you are starts with you. There are times when I look in the mirror and wonder about what others see and how will I ever keep up with the trends. I have a very small frame and sometimes I look at my body and don’t feel “woman” enough. Now,there are a…


I’ve always had an issue with letting people go and letting “it” go. I would do all that I could to salvage that relationship and try my best to make sure that I didn’t look like the bad guy. It is pretty evident that when you feel as if you’re the reason for something going…

Coffee Shop Hopper

I got into a bad argument tonight. The moment I felt like I was going  to be to able to keep my cool,I didn’t. After that moment, I felt like I had failed. All the good things that I had accomplished that day went down the drain. I sat and wondered how did that escalate…

This one is for you….

This one is for you. I see you make your way each day to find what you feel like you’re missing. You complete your daily ritual. You look in the mirror and see all the possibilities and all of the emptiness. However, you get dressed and you move forward with a bright spirit. You walk…

Why it was easy to talk to my ex..

This is  an unapologetic moment for me. Why was it so easy to talk to my ex? Familiar. Addictive. Easy. I have these moments of insecurity and I go searching for attention. I always seemed to resort to my past, because at one point of time I felt safe there. After the conversations I felt…


Courtney (My middle name means “Chosen One”) C.I’ve been compared to Denise from The Cosby Show and that I have a spice about myself like Jada Pinkett. I’d like to thi… Source: HER

Lukewarm Confidence

I struggle with confidence. Sometimes this is unbelievable to people  because I’m such a extrovert. I smile majority of the time and I engage in conversation with anyone. But I have what I would like to call: Luke Warm Confidence.I get by with this type of confidence because I appear to have it, without actually fully…

We weren’t created to be busy, but to be effective..

  Its Friday! As usual I woke up and listened to music that motivates me to  move forward. But in the back of my mind there was a voice telling me a million things that I shouldn’t do, haven’t done and need to do. When will I give myself a break I think to my…

First impressions are important ….

This blog has been on my heart for a long time. I found myself writing things down, random titles and brilliant ideas. However, they would only stay on that paper that would eventually get washed with my jeans. Not anymore, I have made the commitment to myself to open up and let the world in…